martes, 14 de noviembre de 2006


If my feet weren’t as used to the ground as they are, I should’ve been able to reach another dimension. Maybe the air between the others and me wouldn’t be that less intimate, or maybe just the grace of hiding my mystery could be for once and all retrieved to the past of the unconsciousness where all of my phantoms exist.

If the time behind his eyes forgets about the leisure that takes my right foot to reach my left one and then walk again, one more step, then my freedom will convalesce as we recover the breath when the time of drowning was interrupted with the hand of a friend.

But I shouldn’t rest on the time behind his eyes!!! Ohh yes! The truth that he doesn’t know is that for everything he may stole from me, I just kept his eyes and within them, the time of possibility, the time of me in a body that’s mine in a world that only I can create. I may now say that I regard my beloved ones because of the painful gift of love that lent me one light of authentic joy, the meaning of chance…

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